
By zippyhippy

Little and Large

Yesterday we managed to get the eldest of my two scallywags out on her bike and round the park. I was such a proud gushing dad watching her. She was sprinting ahead of us and waiting for us to catch up with her and off she went again. So next step is to get her off her stabilisers and out to hit the road with her Dad!

This got me thinking about a conversation that I had with my fellow coalface bashers last week. I was urged to get a "life" as, in their opinion, I don't have one as I kept up my classes and running during the festive break. On the contrary, I believe that I have a most excellent life. I never feel more alive than when my eldest daughter runs up and gives me hardest bear hug that she can and tells me she loves me or when the baby giggles like a hyena when I throw her up in the air or when I am pedalling like a madman with my amigos in the Sunday Peleton or running with the Saturday morning Deerstalkers. This, to me, is living - everything else is just window dressing!

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