
We've had some issues with our power (it dies at hendstock every year which causes me much grief). So we had some electricians in, to fault find on the system. They were over for most of Friday morning and basically, apart from a couple of minor issues, the circuit is fine. Which means that there is something wrong with something we plug into the circuit. So they loaned me a machine to test everything and work out what needs to be mended. I spent the morning testing everything that is plugged in and all of the pa/lights that we use. It turns out that there isn't one device that is the main cause but a lot of devices that whilst in specification, are causing the circuit to trip. So I need to work out how to split the load and maybe get an extra circuit in. All very annoying.

This afternoon was dad taxi which is always fun when it's Poppy (it was Poppy) as she takes charge of the music. Her taste is wide and excellent and many journeys are an education for me.

Anyway, the main event of the day was Ted playing up at Wylde Sky. This was his first headline gig and I think he was pretty nervous. 
He went on, launching into his set with typical gusto (Ted has a lovely rhythmic way of playing which is perfect for his style). It was all going swimmingly until.
rat tat tat tat , brrrr, buzzz, clang.. From his amp... We tried changing the settings, cables, batteries in the guitar, but no, nothing but clanking noises until it finally died. This was bad, however before panic could set in Alf jumped in and said he'd go home and get an amp. Off he ran (Alf doesn't run unless he's playing football).  We patched up the pa to handle vocals whilst Ali and James went to give Alf a lift back, he'd shot off before they realised what was going on.  They soon returned, amp on, guitar plugged in and Ted was back in the game.

I could tell he had been thrown by the amp going wrong but the rest of his set was great, with quite a few new ones in it and the crowd certainly loved him.

After he finished we had a few beers, then everyone came back here for drinks, banter and music. That 2:40am finish might not have been my best move ;)

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