Dogs Eye View

On the way back from dropping Pops off at a friends house I saw a lovely golden retriever running down the road. This was out in the countryside and there were no people about. 
I parked the car and thought 'blimey I'd better make sure that dog doesn't get run over' and 'brilliant, something to blip'. I ran into the field it had gone into, it was about halfway down by now (it won't come as a surprise that I can't run as fast as a proper dog). It saw me, wagged its tail and then legged it through a hedge and vanished. We were near some gardens by this point so I waited for a few minutes in case it reappeared then came home.

Still no blip, but there is always a dog option so I decided to try out the 'eye focus' on my camera. Crikey it's good, only a couple of missed shots and it was pretty dark when I took them.

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