Still my favourite place!

I didn't sleep too well last night as the bed is smaller than I'm used to and I was a bit worried about Little Fluffy Legs. 

The boys were all up early to go and play Golf together while us girls and Mr W headed off down to SeaSpray (where I had my 50th Birthday). We had a lovely breakfast then walked along the beach. I still absolutely love it down there. We then headed into Newquay town, cutting up through the golf course in the hope we might see the boys and they just happened to be crossing the path as we got there!!!

We had a coffee in town and I bought some acrylic paints for pebble painting having restocked supplies earlier!!! I actually managed to get everyone bar Josh and Mr W Pebble painting and they all really enjoyed it!!!! And did a great job!!!

After a bit of a freshen up the youngsters headed back to the Fistral Beach bar while Fluffy Legs had a well earned rest and Mr W got some work done and we then headed down to the bar to join them all. My brother and niece was also there so it was good to catch up with them, although we couldn't hear each other as the bar was really busy.

I was desperate to see the sunset as I thought tonight might be our last chance as rain is forecast for tomorrow until we leave. I wasn't disappointed and spent a few magical minutes - just me and Fluffy Legs and the Sun going down.

Linda, Daughter Number 2, Josh and I then headed back home while they others have gone into town. I am currently being sent videos of Mr W doing the air guitar and downing shots. Its going to be an interesting night.

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