When I reached for the tea-towel this morning I saw that we had a young visitor halfway up the broom handle. Must have climbed there from the garden compost bucket beneath. I restored him to the bag of wilting greens, but by the time I collected the bag to take up to the allotment he was up and climbing the side of the bag, waving his antennae in questing sort of way. By the time we reached the compost bin he was again on the move; so I attached him to one of the many bean poles as he seemed to want to climb. (I realise that I may be using an inappropriate pronoun as I believe snails to be hermaphrodites....) There are lots of (much bigger) snails roosting in the upper reaches of the runner beans; they don't seem to be eating anything.
Spent so long digging up the remnants of the purple-podded peas and transplanting the remainder of our puny leeks that I ran out of time to go and join the climate change march. Seems to have been well attended though.
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