Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Old men behaving badly

I met up with Mr W at lunchtime in Clapham. We were at uni together nearly 40 years ago and shared a house with eight other young men, and our birthdays are just two days apart. Now we are only slightly more grown up, but still capable of drinking more beer and whisky than is (strictly speaking) good for us. Strider joined us for part of the time so there was an element of The Generation Game about our conversation; but without a doubt the youngest of us was the most sensible and articulate even before we started on the booze.

There is a bar at the remarkable Battersea Arts Centre where we met up. The building itself is a slowly rising Phoenix following a fire in 2015, littered with some amusing artefacts and artworks. Mr W posed with the rickety old piano for me and even managed to knock out a few chords.

For a few more of the BAC’s gems check out this little album


The afternoon and evening were a pleasant daze (why not?). I managed a few hands of kalooki with TSM sitting in the sun. Talking of which, hugely encouraged by the climate strikes and the raised level of dialogue around climate change. If I hadn’t been otherwise engaged I would have joined in somehow. Brilliant leadership from the next generation.

Good day.

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