Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Not having much interest in the human version, I was happy when this chap hopped in for a visit today. The temperatures were in the low to mid 30's today so we had a pool day. The weather is due to change tomorrow for the next few days, going down to the low 20's so more inclined to do some exploring then. I did swim in the sea a few times, its so lovely and warm, lots of fish to see and a visit from one of these jellyfish, (see extra,) it was over a foot long and about 10 inches wide. I didn't take the picture in the extra so I've left its url on! I'm not keen on taking my phone into the sea. I only saw the one all the time I was in and that was right at the shore, but somebody still managed to get stung by it!
We came back from our evening walk to find that it was Bulgarian Night at the hotel so some local dancers and a small band of drum, accordion and bagpipes!!
12559 steps so 6/7 this week and a new week starts tomorrow

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