Yamkela iKapa

By lindseydw

Painting Cartoons at Qhamani

Danielle and I went out to one of SAEP's partner daycare centers (Qhamani) to paint murals on the walls of the classrooms today. Danielle is the artist so she drew the outlines and I just filled in the colors - it was a great, blissful break from the office!

These are the children during naptime at Qhamani. Danielle and I were trying to be really quiet while we painted, but it wasn't always easy to do and we soon realized that these kids can sleep through anything. They never budged. As Nokhaya told us (the principal), "You don't need to whisper - these children grew up Philippi!"

I like how the little girl in white is sprawled across her friends.

(Philippi is the township Qhamani serves)

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