Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR


This week is the self portrait module for Kim Klassen's  A Month of Multiples class I am taking.    Of course all her examples shots are perfectly styled and look great.     She has a studio to do all her work in without the cluttered areas that I have in my home.   

So this morning I was sitting at the table having my second cup of coffee and reading my library book.  I decided to hide behind the grocery story flowers with the light coming behind me.  I thought it would be either a  blown out image or even a silhouette.  You can see what I got and there were several attempts.     I still have on my pajama shirt and bed head but real life is still life!   

It is really hot here again today.  I wanted to go outside for some nature styled self portraits but it is not happening.  I also have had the  blahs and a bit of headache.  Probably a little dehydrated as that is usually what is happening when I get a little headache.    Drinking plenty of liquids including Vitamin Water with electrolytes.     Supposedly we are getting a cooling air front by Wednesday and will get below 70 at night for the first time in months with low 80sF during the day.   I am waiting!

Today is three months since I broke the ankle!   Walking is going well with some swelling still but nothing major.   If it would cool off, I would definitely be walking more.  

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