Lakeland Dipper (further afield)

Brancaster Harbour

I went out first thing to see the high tide and then came back to do lots of jobs. The geese are starting to arrive. I always find the sight of them each autumn moving and heroic. I feel like I’m standing at the end of a timeless marathon cheering them on as they limp in straggling lines, exhausted, over the finish line.

Dad was obsessed with all things Nelson so I got in touch with a few museums just to check if they wanted any of the prints. I doubted it because they were pretty bog standard (you have to hand it to him, he did a pretty good death, sprawled out on deck in the thick of battle, with duty done, and all that) but I wanted to check. Sadly the Nelson Museum in Great Yarmouth is closing shortly due to lack of funds but I had a nice chat with a curator at the Bath Works Museum and although they had one of the big advertising posters he said he’d happily have another so maybe it’s an excuse to visit Bath which I have only briefly visited many, many years ago. Then I sorted another load of stuff and took it to the hospice shop and took my work that I’d done on Saturday to be posted in Hunstanton.

On my way back the day dramatically improved so I walked out to the beach from Titchwell and sat for ages with the seals, the most I’ve ever seen there, including a very cute cub. The tide was coming in and although I didn’t have my costume with me I couldn’t resist ... the late sun was silvery on a glassy mirror sea... just lovely. Gathered sloes on my way back.

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