Natural bling
Millie and I walked down through Cockington Water Meadows to the seafront this morning with the intention of capturing a sparkly sea. I thought Millie wanted to swim but the tide was right in and she was'nt keen on the concrete dropping away under her feet, so it was just a little paddle, while I waited for this passenger ferry to cross from Torquay to Brixham, calling in to Paignton on the way, a lovely way to sea the coastline if you like boats. I don't :(
Our circular walk took just over the hour, perfect timing as I'm off to the allotment with my fresh veggie food waste, check what's happening plus do some watering before meeting up with cassiesmum for some photography out in the field, well orchard. Yes, we're going back to the car wrecks. Did'nt get all my jobs done at the allotment site, just picked runner beans, can't believe the plants are still producing. Whoop whoop! Corn on the cob plumping up nicely. Had a quick chat with Julie, a fellow allotmentee, we swapped some of my very freshly harvested hazelnuts for 3 beautiful ornamental gourds that she had grown and harvested today. I had to go.
We got to the orchard to be met by Bear, a white Alsatian, whose bark is probably worse than his bite, but his pearlies looked sharp to me, so we were a tad apprehensive entering especially as Irene, granny dog minder, did'nt have any luck in getting him back in the house for a while. We spent a good hour snapping away, I also managed to picked enough blackberries to cook this afternoon to add to the apple puree to eat with my yogurt & granola for brekkers. Jan headed back to tend her canine gang, me back to the allotment. The slugs have been munching the swede leaves, the Mooli are forming nicely, & so quickly :), the carrots have disappeared completely. Parsnips, well the leaves look good so hopefully they are forming good edible roots. MORE courgettes, the leaves look really lush & healthy, whether that is the homemade comfrey feed or not I don't know this is my first time of making the feed, but I inherited a clump of comfrey, & a defunct wormery. It's seems to be a win win combination. Hubby came up with me & did the watering while I tended everything else. Time to head back to Torquay & Millie. A quick beetroot sarnie, then Millie's afternoon walk. A little explore, another route today, I actually passed some of the hotels I used to contact weekly when I was tele-selling for a local frozen food company many years ago. That took me back.
Back in the garden I did some deadheading, saving Sweet William, Aquilegia, & Linaria purpurea seed for the home garden :) One of the perks of dog/housesitting :) Time for The Chase. I can listen to that and make another bead thingie with green beads from Carolyn :). Next Eggheads, the experts irritate me a little so I don't pay too much attention as I make a batch of baked sweet red peppers stuffed with veggie cous cous. I had a part pack of cous cous I wanted to use up so a bit of an experiment. Too much cooked cous cous so dinner tonight was egg fried vegetable cous cous. Another first. Stuffed peppers tomorrow, Wednesday, Thursday ........... A custard tart & extra thick double cream for pud, I'll burn those calories off tomorrow :)
Thanks to Nickimags888 for hosting Mono Monday with the additional tag Sparkle
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