Day 8

Day 8....Pyrenees....We have stayed 2 nights on this site and today drove through part of the Pyrenees to the French border and back down. Ski resorts and villages old and new dotted in the mountains, streams, trees, ruins and mountains stretching before us.....amazing. The photos don’t do it justice! We drove up a very long track to a ruin and met a car coming down. The man uttered something to us in Spanish and we just smiled! Didn’t have a clue what he said! When we came back down a barrier was across the track.....was it locked....did we have to stay there the night.....the thoughts that go through your mind!! Colin got out and was able to raise it, it wasn’t locked.....phew!! Another hot day. Sat out till 8.30 and it was around 22! Moving on tomorrow but don’t know where yet. A couple more in extras!

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