
I read somewhere that vinegar acts as a good, natural weed killer so, in an impulsive moment, I bought some. My plan is to keep the vegetation down the side of our garage (which we cleared at the weekend) under control until we have it permanently removed when the new patio is installed. Ordinarily I would have done some research before investing but it didn’t cost much so I thought I’d give it a go, as I’m not keen on using herbicides if it can help it. So, we’ll see.

In other news, I started my art classes this morning and really enjoyed it, and played badminton this evening; both of these activities have given me different types of neck pain...

Finally, thanks to the people who noticed it was my 4th blip birthday yesterday, which was news to me! I now have an aggregate of 9 years, which I’m quite proud of really (if only I didn’t have the missing year in the middle though!) :)

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