By lizzie_birkett

We'd just moored up after going through a swing bridge when a lady came along with her little grandson, who toddled over to the boat pointing his wee chubby finger. Frank invited them on so they could have a look on board. Archie is only 18months and was fascinated by the lever, knobs and buttons on the control panel. 
We offered to take them for a short trip up the canal and the lady jumped at the chance. We put the buggy on the front deck and off we went. Archie was such a cutie and Frank lifted him onto the seat and held him while he 'steered' the boat.
The lady was so thrilled about being on the boat and took loads of photos of little Archie pressing buttons and looking so pleased with himself.
When they had to get off the boat he looked so sad.

We often take people - especially kids - for short trips on the boat or just let them have a look inside. We like sharing the pleasure! :-)

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