Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

The Pelican Collective...

Rule #1 - never make eye contact.

Pelican collective snapped this morning when I was trying to capture the fog on my way to work.  It was supposed to get to 30C today but I didn't get out at lunch.  It was 29C on the way home and a cool change has arrived and there were even a few spots of rain and the car said it had dropped to 16C when I was coming back from the hospital.  That is some change in temp.

The hospiddle?  ....In other news, yesterday my 96 year old Aunt had a mild heart attack while she was out in town and fell giving herself a right old bang on the head fracturing her skull and causing a mild bleed.  She also fractured her clavicle.  I spent most of the afternoon and into the evening in ED with her.  I have not long got back from the hospital this evening and she is absolutely revelling in all the attention she is receiving in her private room and is ever so much better than she was yesterday.  I don't think it will be too long before she is back to her feisty self.  So the reason for the story is that I am likely to be short on comments and browsing not to mention that I need to get myself ready to head off down to Sydney on Sunday evening to start work on Monday at the leisurely time of 9.30am!  I am liking the sound of this job even more.  Have a great weekend all.

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