Stairway to Nowhere

When the sky is a cloudless blue, not a breath of air stirs and the high temperatures are over 90ºF it is quite difficult to get a good mono shot of 'weather'. 

Today is Labor Day, the official end of summer, and it was very quiet near the hospital when I drove past on the way to Pilates this morning. At eight in the morning I thought there could either be nobody there or lots of people. It turned out to be the latter. I was surprised at how many people were willing to get up early for class on a day when they didn't have to get up early to go to work. 

There is a new medical office complex lot being built across the street. I don't know why these places have to be designed to look like prisons, but this one doesn't look like it's going to be much of an improvement on the one next to it where my current doctor has her offices. It is usually a hive of activity swarming with big trucks and lots of guys in hi-viz vests, hard hats and sturdy boots, but on Labor Day there is nobody there, and  not many people around the hospital either. Probably not a good day to get sick.

The photo is of the parking structure under construction with its wonky, off-kilter sort of look and its stairway to the sky. Without all the workers swarming over it it seemed rather striking. It has gone up remarkably quickly considering how long it takes so many projects these days. My nod to 'weather' is the flag hanging limply from its pole...a fair depiction not only of the still hot weather but of the political 'climate' these days. Everyone is exhausted by the insanity in Washington, and ready for a lull even if only for a day.

Everyone on the East Coast is battening down the hatches ahead of 'Dorian' which hit the Bahamas as a full Force Five hurricane. The weather gurus seem to be having a hard time predicting if and when Dorian will make landfall but it seems like it has been ages in arriving. A lot depends on the business of predicting....

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