Many Anglos who visit Mexico adopt, support or otherwise sponsor some organization in their new homeland. Most gravitate to the arts, many pick up on something to do with animals or children. We, true to form, selected a volleyball team. Lourdes, here on the right, plays volleyball with us on the beach when she is not working and her husband rents umbrellas right next door to the court, so we have known the family ever since arriving. Since our return this October, she has been feeding us on various Sunday's as well. Through Carlos, because she speaks no English, we were asked to sponsor her new volleyball team. We got a couple of other beach players to chip in and are now proud supporters of Dario DGH. Sponsorship consists of purchasing uniforms, which we ordered today at a little shop above town in the La Noria neighborhood. It was quite the process, deciding materials, colors, styles, and sizes. Everything is custom and for 180 pesos each, the whole team will be outfitted in time for their first game a week from today.
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