
By Photogen

Green Shoots

Today is another warmish day for early January and, from the kitchen window, I noticed the daffodils shoots are well through the ground. This is evidence of how mild December has been in Glasgow. In the background are the bird feeders which were receiving the attention of dunnets, robins and chaffinches before I interrupted their feeding frenzy.
I chose a low perspective to emphasise the shoots' height . This is one of the benefits of being able to use a viewing screen rather than having to frame a shot with your eye at a viewfinder. My Iphone was positioned just an inch or two above the ground and I used a lanyard around my neck (a 'Danglet' specially designed to fit into the IPhone's charging socket) to brace the device as the light level was low, and the steadier it was held the better.
The azalea bush, whose branches are sheltering the new shoots, also looks healthy with tiny buds forming. There could be an early spring this year, but on the other hand, a prolonged spell of frost or snow could do damage to the new growth.

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