
By Beewriter

Chocolate Mountains

Will I ever get through all this chocolate? It's hard, but I will persevere.

I went for a swim this morning and after a chocolate binge last night I made myself do fifty lengths today. I usually swim breast stroke and I can't help but race others in the water. At 7.30am everyone is swimming lengths so it is easy to pick my racing companion. Today it was the guy who swims crawl, usually this is a faster stroke...but not today. We've chatted before about people who swim in front of us and get in the way and he has said that he is a fast swimmer and they should stay out of his path. Aha I thought, he is my challenger today!

It felt very good to get the heart beating as I passed him and I felt I had done a good workout today. I went into the jacuzzi afterwards and chilled. When you sit there you can see up into the studio and we kept seeing a flash of pink.

It was Frank Evans, El Ingles, the British Bullfighter. He came out of retirement a few years ago to fight more Spanish bulls and he practises his routines at the gym. As he prances about and waves his cloak dramatically in front of the mirror it makes you wonder if this seventy year old bullfighter only fights old bulls nowadays!

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