Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

York Bridge - Underlit

What cloud was in the sky first thing was to the east, meaning that the sun didn't make an appearance for more than half an hour after sunrise.   When it did, for the briefest of time it underlit the bridge carrying the local road between Pelsall and Norton Canes.  

There are plans to replace this bridge, something many locals oppose, but I doubt if many drivers who have to use the road would agree with them.  I drove over it an hour later.  You can't see over the bridge for oncoming traffic, It is slightly at an angle to the direction of the road and it teases you that it is wide enough for two vehicles to pass.  It isn't!   I think the plan is for a new bridge, allowing this old bridge to remain, which I support. Too many historic bridges over canals and railways lines  in this area have been replaced in recent years, losing the marvel of brick arch construction for the modern approach of spanning piers with reinforced steel and concrete.

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