
By Houseonahill6


Anne was not able to go to the Pool today so Mike took me.Most of the talk in the Pool was about the current Political situation with Ruth Davidson ‘quitting’ (I dislike that word) and of course Boris and Brexit.
The weather was not great and Mike said it had poured with rain while I was in the Pool.
In the afternoon we delivered some recipe books to our County Commissioner and then had a drive around ending up in Beauly.The sun had actually come out for a while.I sat in the car while Mike got some take away soup from the Cafe on the Corner. As you can see in the photo the skies were heavy with rain and it was not long before the heavens opened and very heavy downpours began. We drove down to Redcastle to drink our soup, passing three drenched cyclist on route and then the ground was bone dry , strange how some places totally missed it and we came across several areas like that although I think they would be pretty wet by now as the rain continued to come and go.It was a nice evening though with a colourful sky.
Watched the rest of Big Little Lies.

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