
By Houseonahill6

Under the cloud

Not much chance to take photos today .This was taken at Ferry Point in Dingwall.Managed to have a quick look before going to the Dentist and Hygienist. All three of us went so we were there for one and a half hours. All fine except for one tiny hole in one of my back teeth and an exposed root where I have brushed too hard so they need to be filled in a couple of weeks.
A visit to Tesco’s for food and the Petrol station to top up with fuel again.
Back home to get dinner, a visit from Richard and then down to Rosemarkie for a talk about an airfield that was used during WW2 , very interesting.It must have been so different back then with planes of all sizes flying here before being sent elsewhere. The man , who will be 80 next year, told us stories of when his father was based here , vivid memories of going there and seeing the planes, a fire engine and a shed full of Alsatians. A fascinating talk about an area we drive by nearly everyday.
Excited to find out that one of my photos from the exhibition earlier in the year has been chosen to be a mini desk Calendar about The Black Isle , should hit the shops in October :)
Fantastic news about the bridge in the photo

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