Capital adventures

By marchmont

Couch potato day

Me, not the wonderful Rebecca and Molly the wonder cat (although she could give me a run for my money.

I did swim in the morning, zig zagging up and down the pool.  Then home to follow the political news of the day.  I should have guessed what was about to happen when I saw Andrew Bowie's tweet with a photo of rural Aberdeenshire. I thought about gardening but it was windy and a wee bit chilly outside.  So I did various things, mainly on my laptop.  

I sat and surfed and somehow the day went past.  I really feel like I am recharging and catching up after such a hectic month.  R and I had dinner together - Thai take away which was lovely and some red wine - good for your gut apparently. 

Then she went out and I watched 'WDYTYA' and started following up my own bit 'WDYTIA'. And more time slipped away.  Very few steps today.

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