
Is it really Friday? I need a thing to change every day so I can keep some track of days...

Today, up early and out early. When you consider it was a challenge getting out for midday yesterday, and that we've been still in bed at 9am most days this week, this is no mean feat. We managed to get out by 10.30am instead of being at our destination by 10am but I don't think that was half bad at all!

Our playdate was a softplay thing with sweet_dusty_bones and dandeliontree. Really funny to see someone in the flesh that you already feel like you know, it's like oh hi, how are ya? and then getting on with whatever's going on! I think having children helps, one we barely saw for dust and sdb only just got his shoes off him before he disappeared into the climbing frame, and the other was desperate to follow. There's no need for introductions or getting-to-know-you's, it's just meeting up with a friend. Who you've never actually met up with before! This is the three superheroes looking at their photo with supermama sweet_dusty_bones :) Fab happy day!

Tried to get Ben some batman pyjamas (with cape) afterwards but no luck :( Mothercare are the suppliers but they appear to be sold out in the 3-4yr size, the cashier even phoned round a few stores to see if they had any in but to no avail.

So, home. Charley fell asleep in the car so I laid him out on the sofa when we got in, got Ben set up watching Shrek (new favourite) and announced I was walking into town by myself :D but by the time I'd got out of the door I'd forgotten what I was going out for so came back with an assortment of paint-and-playdough-making stuff (cornflour and bicarb and food colouring) and paper and tape so this weekend is planned to be a Spending Free Weekend with lots of paint involved.

After snacks when I got back it was bathtime and Ben loved his bath despite saying he didn't want one; Charley however started screaming the moment his feet touched the water and continued to scream until he was washed and out and wrapped safely in a towel. He did stop screaming briefly while I cuddled him (still standing in the bath) when Ben managed to make him laugh but resumed screaming almost immediately.

And then he finally got chance to try the cat biscuits and decided he liked them.

And after yet more snacks (and not especially insubstantial ones either) he ate a fair bit of casserole for dinner, and made mum share her pudding (a pear) with him.

*points at pear, points at tray*
Pear appears on tray.

Early to bed for the boys this evening. They were grateful. So was I. So mum and I cracked open the hot chocolate jar when I got downstairs and I had a full-on carb-fest supper of hot chocolate, and a choc chip cookie sandwich.


More happiness is the fact that Steve has had company today back home in the form of Julian and they have worked hard to get our bathroom more finished. All the tiling is done and the bare walls are finally plastered. Left to do is grouting the wall tiles, plastering the ceiling (once we're fully haply with the ventilation and wiring and whatnot), and painting. But to have all the tiling done - that's brilliant!!

Love chatting to him. Kinda nice to be able to chat on skype, and spend time together like that, rather than slob in front of the tv and not talk much at all.

Anyway now to do a bit more on the photobook, and then to bed. And I found some batman pj's! Summer ones, via ebay, but given he'll probably be wearing them day in day out all through this winter and summer and next winter I reckon it's probably better that way anyway! Won't tell him til a parcel arrives for him here ;)

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