Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A helpful book

An indoor day.
Some sunny spells.
Some low clouds.
Thanking God I am learning from listening to Derek Prince, from YouTube ministry he recorded as a Christian legacy, for those living and trusting in Jesus for Eternal Salvation, about the fear of the Lord.
There are many attractions in and around us, that disturb and sadly distort the peace and beauty God planned.
Some days are worse than others and reading God, the True God does not immediately help, yet can serve to console people, and sad, suffering animals who are ill treated.
This book will not help hardened hearts to stop tormenting animals.
Nor will it stop deliberate musak in so called public places that are there to serve communities, kindly.
Yet, this book has given me a sense of time well spent, concerning how to survive in a county where the witch symbol has been allowed to be used to link itself with Lancashire. How deplorable and unGodly! It is sad the county has been fracked. Poisoned by the witchcraft and poisoned water. Just saying. Be warned where you put your loyalty. Mother Mary is on the side of holiness. God is gracious.

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