LNER 2016

Today's the day ........................... to pack away

There are major renovations starting on Monday in the Exhibition room at work. So today we had to pack up the contents of two of the display cases and put them somewhere they would be safe and sound while all the work goes on.

The display was all about Quakers & the Early Railways, so all the artefacts had a connection with the railways. Things like an 1839 Ist Edition Bradshaw Guide, which unlike the 1910 one which Michael Portillo carries around with him on his TV Railway Journeys was a slim volume designed to fit in a gentleman's pocket. George Bradshaw, of course, was a Quaker.

This model of a mouthwateringly gorgeous D20/1 class locomotive which was designed by the Quaker railway engineer Wilson Worsdell and built in 1899 - is now safely stored in its glass case on a high shelf in a secure room ........................

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