Normal Service Resumed

Our latest Airbnb guests have been a dream! Sheryl, left, ran one of the most popular restaurants in Arizona (top of Yelp and Fork for years) and Kit was Seattle's top prosecutor, heading up the Appellant Division, also for years.

I was on my toes in more ways than one, preparing breakfast (our buffet passed with flying colours, I'm glad to say, with special appreciation of our 'deconstructed' approach - allowing guests to 'construct' the breakfast they want using combinations that appeal to them from the over twenty-five different items on offer) and, also, ensuring that our health and safety, as well as hygiene standards, passed the strictest of legal scrutiny!

We had a great time with them and they loved our exterior spaces, especially. They were 'guest heaven' for us, after some gremlins got into the system last visit!

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