
Mr Fluff awakening from a long, deep sleep. Today is the last day of my end of year holiday from work - back in on Monday (I don't count weekends) - and I feel like I am awakening, too. From the end of year time of just being, just relaxing, doing nothing.

In this doing nothing time I have taken a few walks, a couple of cycle rides and a few photos. I have read, listened to music and to progammes on the radio. I have played uke, tried some unfamiliar chords and sorted out piles of crap. It's what I needed. I haven't been able to get to the sea but no matter.

Rol and I have spent companionable time together. Doing rather a lot of not very much. Just what we needed.

And now I am preparing to wake up, flexing myself in preparation for returning to work and for some interesting photo shoots including demos against what those bullies in Westminster are planning, and against the far-right EDL (English Defence League) who are visiting our region again in February.

Tonight I held our cats even closer, as the cat who had shared the life of one of my chums for over twelve years died today. Poor Oscar, poor Rob.

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