Monday mayhem ....

A day spent baling grass , then carting it home and wrapping it. First thing to go wrong was the cooncil digging up the road in two different places with sets of traffic lights , one on a very steep hill. And every time I was trundling up said hill they were at red. Meaning having to start from the bottom of the gearbox again every time . A few sweary words were also used each time.
Then the transmission stopped working on the tractor ( luckily in the field).
Eventually managed to by pass the seat sensor by cutting a lump of wire out my phone charger and making a bridge in the wiring. It will do just now .
Wee brother finished wrapping the last load about 7.30pm, so not bad going ,175 bales more than we had at 7.30 am.
Fingers crossed it stays dry tomorrow as 2 fields of hay and a lot of straw needing baled up.

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