Sunday- day of rest ....

A morning spent hauling home the wheats bales I baled last night .
Once that was done back down the road with the round baler again. Kev carting and managed to talk Gareth the shepherd into taking the 2nd trailer to speed things up a bit. He got on OK apart from committing the cardinal sin of driving over neighbouring farmers grass verge when he met Kev on the bridge !
Also drafted in a second baler to get another couple of fields baled . The kids don’t seem to bother the big square bales as much as the round ones so will chance lifting them till later.
At one point there was a combine and tractor and trailer in one field, the 2 balers in the one below that and 2 tractors loading bales in the one below that. I was just about enjoying life for a while this afternoon. Amazing what getting some work done does for lifting the spirit !
Back home and back down the road to feed cattle then back down the road sitting beside Junior with the L plates on to collect his girlfriend from the bus.
Roll on bed time !

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