
I was in the outside pool by 8.30am and managed to swim my 52 lengths before it started to get busy.  Then I drove back down to Madeira Drive to see if there were any more mods, but it was very quiet - it turns out that the big 'ride out' was yesterday afternoon, so I guess a lot had already gone home.  However the 'Quadrophenia' bike was still there.  It was actually used in the film, and it's owner is there every year with his complete memorabilia set up.  He allows people to sit on the bike for photos, and just asks for a donation to charity.

Anyway, I didn't hang around long and headed home.  Alan had mowed the back garden and filled the new feature with the pebbles we bought the other day.  Then for a change we did nothing!  Yes, you read right, we did nothing and it's been really nice just sat in the garden.  The farmer was in the field with his new combine harvester - he didn't give me the keys though lol!  But as he got closer we saw Phil (the pheasant) running with all his family - there was Mrs Phil and about 3 youngsters.  They looked quite frightened, not surprisingly, and will now have to find a new home, but they're ok which is the main thing.

It's been a really lovely long weekend, and I hope yours has been as good x

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