No X Factor

Despite the promising omen in the heavens, it turned out that none of us had The X Factor when it came to this morning's round but we enjoyed the fine weather at least.

This afternoon was mainly spent in the Minor Injuries Unit at Glastonbury Hospital.

Yesterday afternoon Sophie tried to demolish a wall with her nose while they were visiting friends (over exuberant jumping around and a lack of balance the culprits) and by last night she was doing a fine impression of Santa's leading reindeer.

The swelling and colour had gone down quite a bit this morning but she was still complaining of it being painful when she got back from the Mary Poppins themed activity morning run by her Dance Class teacher so we thought it best to check it wasn't broken.

We only had to wait 45 minutes before a very pleasant doctor gave her a thorough once over and confirmed that there didn't seem to be any lasting damage. Sophie was tickled literally and metaphorically when he stuck a torch up her nostrils to check that all was well.

Anyway, she's sound asleep and none the worse for wear this evening; she's staying over for another activity morning tomorrow - The Lion King is the theme for this one

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