Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Cocktail hour

Archie and JR had a big walk to Midmar Paddock this morning. I got out of it by being too busy doing the washing and then popping to the cafe for a coffee and a raspberry scone.

In the afternoon we wandered over to the pub, as we had little bracelets which entitled us to cocktails for £4. To be honest, I’m not a big cocktail fan - I'd rather have a wine, beer or Prosecco (or even a flat white). And there wasn’t much of a choice for the £4 ones... but we both had an acceptable gin-based creation. Archie got a treat from the waitress, so he was happy. Though he did stand and stare rather rudely at the two people next to us who had a seafood sharing platter. Mind you, it did look (and smell) good.

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