Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

I can see clearly now . . .

Anyone who knows me well, knows that, without my glasses, I could very well qualify as being legally blind. I first began wearing glasses when I was in third grade. I recall being very excited at the time, thinking how cool it would be to wear the pale blue cats-eye frames I had picked out (later to be replaced by beautiful tortoise shell frames - Betsy if you're reading this, you know which ones I'm talking about, as you had the exact same frames).

Oh, if only I had the foresight to collect the various frames I wore through the years, and in doing so, document the evolution of eyewear trends and fashion. There was the early cats-eye era, then big wireframes, then small wireframes ala John Lennon-style, then I think frames went big again, and right now the vintage look seems to be back in style.

I've had my present pair of glasses for over ten years now and you can bet I'm ready for something new. So, armed with my new prescription (bifocals!) I will begin the search for the next pair of glasses that will enable me to see clearly, and do all I need to do.

Big thank you to Tom de Figueiredo, O.D. at Everything in Sight Optical for shooting this photo during my exam!

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