The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Going down...3873m

After a random night of sleep - odd breathing and dreaming! - we woke at half six, packed, ate and left. We took a slightly different route down, going via Peroche and Pengboche to Tengboche. This photo was taken at Peroche - this is the typical toilet but god it was grim! And this is a rather friendly yak!

We stopped briefly for a cup of tea in a very posh lodge in Pengboche - a bit too posh for us! We walked on to Tengboche and we stayed at the same lodge, sitting in the sun to read and eat some late lunch. We played cards and scrabble, ate dinner and were all tucked up in our bags by 8pm - another cold night ahead. Although, Paul will say it was much warmer than we expected it to be - but it was still bloody cold!!

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