Stourbridge gardens

The remaining 9 of us went for a walk around the mature and lovely Stourbridge Gardens. We had a last sauna and supper together and then very tearfully waved Rich, Amity, Jasper and Luca goodbye. They headed off into the night in their mobile home on the last leg of their year long world travel. They're heading to Austria for some skiing before they go home to New Zealand. For Mike and I it's only a brief goodbye, we see them in 3 weeks when we land on their doorstep for 3 months, but for Shannon, Theo and Rosa it was a very sad parting as it's often years in between visits for them. Thanks to all our wonderful friends for a very special New Year break.

They who stay to the end get the Big tidy. Big cottage meant a big clean up. Got to get up at a normal time tomorrow to vacate the cottage, so off to bed.

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