
By Juli

Life's challenges!

With around eight months until my teacher-training starts, it seems silly not to make the best use of this time, so the study continues! Nearly finished the final book - and the assignments - for my current Human Biology course. Mostly done for pure interest, it still fits very nicely into 'human geography' (well, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!) as it covers subjects such as why so many people can live on such little food, why some people suffer more from stress than others, reproduction issues, and has lots of case studies of different diseases and conditions. The exam's not until June but I'm very excited as I should get the books for my final course any day now (definitely the last one, promise!) - another one I'm doing for 'fun' which brings most main geography topics together as one 'big picture' - and I really want to concentrate on that for a few months.

This morning I took the kids to an indoor play area as I thought it was going to rain (wrong!) and at lunchtime I quite fancied one of their soups. The sign said to ask what their 'Soup of the Day' was. Possible choices were given as:

Parsnip & apple
Carrot & coriander
Brie & something else (I think it was leek)
Moroccan chick pea

Conversation with the lad at the till went something like this:

Me: What's the 'Soup of the Day'?
Him: Vegetarian.
Me: OK - which one?
Him: Vegetarian.
Me: Do you mean 'vegetable'?
Him: Yes - vegetarian.
Me: OK, I'll have the vegetarian soup.

It was very nice but I haven't got a clue what it was!

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