By lizzie_birkett

A Visit to the Vet and the Dr.

Last week Bella May injured her paw. It was her left hind one and it bled a lot.
At the time I bathed it and tried to keep it clean. Bella has been licking it quite a lot.
Anyway today she had her health check with the vet nurse so we mentioned it to her and she had a closer look. It seems the claw bed was cut somehow and she said it is infected. 
She gave us a bottle of Hibiscrub and said to dilute it and bathe the paw in it twice daily. Bella May was very good at the vets and wanted to lick the nurse at every opportunity. She is also being a star patient and allowing me to bathe it and is not trying to get the bandage off.....YET!
I also had an appointment with the Doc straight after the vet. I've been having a very sore leg every night from the knee right down to my toes. She said it is due to the varicose veins which I've had for years but they never caused pain before. I have to get measured for some lovely compression knee socks; I wonder if I'll have a choice of colours.....I'd like scarlet or emerald green.....maybe with a bit of lurex through

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