go directly to jail, do not pass go
First day back at work and although there were glimmers of blue sky I was busy working away and did n't get the chance to blip them, nor did I get home at lunch time and apparently I missed the Peregrine Falcon which was busy eating its lunch of pidgeon on our lawn!
So here we have it, the building on the far right of the picture used to be the original jail in Portree, now offices. The building to the left is what is known as the Skye Gathering Hall, where all the local dances used to take place (and sometimes still do). There is a prophesy that when the front step of the hall wears down the building will collapse and the only person to survive will be a girl in a red dress. The step has been turned around once already as the stone was wearing low and no-one wanted to take the risk of anything happening!
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