
By AnnieBScotland

new beginning

even before I stepped on the scales this morning I knew it was time for action. every year it's the same - I swear I am NOT going to over indulge and put on pounds and pounds and every year the 3rd of January is the start of a new regime.

So - onwards to an abstinent month - hardly any no wine, healthy eating and lots of exercise. I do actually feel much better once I get back into some sort of routine, does anyone else feel the same?

The Christmas tree is down and decorations all away. There is one box of chocolates, unopened, in a cupboard and two bottles of fizz on the wine rack that can stay there till there is something to celebrate - like half a stone off!!

Anything Bridget Jones can do, I can do too, and I think making it public might help, so feel free to join in:

weight: 64.9kilos
wine - none
food - only healthy stuff.
treats - none
exercise - yogalates and something new later called Metafit!!!
halo: quite shiny!

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