Muesli Mélange
The theme for today's Mono Monday hosted by 60plus is Mélange. Now I have to admit when I was being brought up in Hull, Mélange was not a word in common usage. In fact I had to Google it to come up with the correct meaning. In fact it is a French word meaning mixture; now if I was a Brexiteer I'd be outraged that the French are infiltrating our language, what's wrong with the word Mixture? As it is I'm a devout European Remainer, so I welcome the French, and other influences on our language, though I must admit I'm not likely to use the word Mélange in much of my day to day conversations.
Right Mixture.....sorry I mean Mélange. Looking at my breakfast this morning I realised this would fit the bill. A mixture Mélange of muesli, shredded wheat, pecan nuts, brazil nuts, apricots and sultanas topped with plain yogurt and served with skimmed milk. Just the job washed down with a cup of Earl Grey to set me up for the day.
At least next week's theme is an English word!
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