Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Caught in a not quite so wet moment

It's rained almost all day, although I did make to walk to church this morning in the dry
Back home and comforting chicken soup for lunch. Joyce and I then went for a wet wander along Stockbridge and to the farmers Market. I felt very sorry for the traders who were laden with goods for a festival market but were very short of customers. Bought a venison hotpot, so looking forward to having that for tea later this week.
Colin picked us up and drove us to the station where we swapped Joyce for Ali!
Popped into Alis house to see that things are moving on. She and Stuart have ripped out the kitchen in preparation for things starting to happen there soon. The wall separating off part of the kitchen has also gone and the room looks a much better size and shape. I think it was originally a coal cupboard, or possibly a pantry as I can't think of any other sensible use for it being where it was.
Back home again and some leftovers for dinner before going down to Katy and Jon's for a sleepover, I'll be looking after Eilidh tomorrow while her mum catches up with some sleep after a weekend of night duty. It's their 12th wedding anniversary today, how time flies.

What a lot of changes, many of which we would never have anticipated have happened since 2007.

12907 steps today

I've just noticed that my little bee from yesterday has made it onto the popular pages. Thank you so much for your hearts, what a lovely surprise. :-)

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