A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Belated Happy Birthday

I was ill on my birthday (Valentines Day) and for a couple of days afterwards. Corin was at work on his birthday. So today, at work I got a text from Corin to say he had booked us a meal at a local restaurant that we both really liked when we went before Christmas. Belated birthday meal - that was a lovely surprise.

Long day at work, then the traffic was dreadful coming home - left work at 5pm, got home at 6pm - so had 15 minutes to get ready - didn't think this would be a problem, until I said hello to Corin and he was ready, showered and in his best bib and tucker...which meant I couldn't get away with face wash and a change into a pair of Jeans.

By some miracle, I managed to do hair, put face on (make up) and get changed and we were out of the door by 6.17pm. Sometimes I frighten myself at my efficiency.

Anyway, the composite image above is the best of the photos taken in low light, no flash (so as not to disturb other diners) and slightly wobbly hands from the lovely Irish coffee I had to finish (and 8 After eight mints!). Food was delicious. Am thoroughly stuffed.

And I think we are going to the pub with Corin's Mum and Dad shortly...

Nighty night

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