A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

If that's 7 inches then I am in serious trouble!

Today has been busy.

As a favour to a colleague, I took my camera gear into work today to do some shots for a prospectus for some Adult Education / Skills for Work courses that we will be offering in the not to distant future, as part of our extended schools provision. We feel its particularly important to do this as we have excellent facilities and we are firm in our belief that we need to be a school that is genuinely at the heart of its community. We are in an area of high social deprivation, with significant issues relating to unemployment, poor health and literacy issues. It is important that we contribute to improving these aspects of our community in whatever way we can, as those factors do impact upon the progress and well being of our students. But I digress (sorry - I get on my soap box as I really do believe that this is what schools should be doing - not just the day to day 9 - 3.30 'traditional' view of school).

Anyway, because the courses are targeted at adults, we felt it appropriate to include adults in the publicity photos, rather than students ...target your audience as they say!

So a number of staff were roped in today to 'pose' - some more readily than others.

I hadn't realised that I had this shot until I started wading through the 275 images that I shot. This fella is a great guy, but a born joker. And yes, sometimes he can be a bit smutty. So this, when I saw it, made my day - although looking at his expression, I am pretty convinced that in his own mind, he had set this shot up deliberately, its just that I wasn't paying attention when I was pressing the shutter release!

And yes, I have printed out an A4 copy, with the caption that forms the heading of this blip - and yes, it IS going on the staffroom noticeboard tomorrow.

Alternative blips for today...nice images, but didn't amuse me as this one did...

Shower head

Hilda Ogden Curlers

Nail varnish bottles_blown highlights

The whole album

Off to ASDA to buy a Wii Fit.

See ya

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