
By NellieD

You can't trust anyone to do their job!

It was my crochet group meetup today.  For the first time ever, I'd not got round to sending an email to the venue to confirm the room booking but I thought we'd be fine, after all we've been meeting there for years and we had previously discussed and confirmed the date at least 3 times.  My friend rang me to say she'd got there really early and the room was being painted and we couldn't use it.  Really annoying because I book the space two months in advance and they hadn't let me know it wouldn't be available.  Fortunately it was a much smaller group today and 23 of us managed to squeeze into the cafe instead.  I just don't understand how you can be an events planner and not let someone know there is an issue with the room!

I ended up meeting my friend after the group at the Art Gallery - the one who is now commuting between London and Manchester.  I read that there was a new exhibition which I thought might be worth a blip, but it was just one slightly odd picture in the middle of the Dutch Gallery.  I'm not sure why the lady in the mirror is completely blue!

Quote for today:
The whole world is an art gallery when you're mindful.  There are beautiful things everywhere and they're free.
- Charles Tart

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