
By NellieD

A kaleidoscope of butterflies

Who knew that was the collective name for a group of butterflies!

It was a bit wet to head off for any great distance at lunch today so I decided to call into the Manchester Museum. The only time I tend to go is when I take my niece - so it's more about what she wants to see.

Since it's the school holidays, it was absolutely packed with children which is wonderful, but does mean you have to be quick to get a blip in between them running about you.  I'd much rather have that though than kids that are sat at home on a computer game.

Last time I was in the museum, it was part of the Manchester Literature Festival and it was to listen to Kate Mosse, author of The Taxidermist's Daughter.  We were sat in the Living Worlds Gallery (where I took this photo) surrounded by hundreds of stuffed animals.  It was very atmospheric, particularly as she has the most beautiful, hypnotic voice.  I could have listened to her for hours.

I had intended to find the museum's amethyst as it's nearly as tall as me but, as seems to keep happening, that gallery is being renovated and everything from geology is now in storage.  Similarly on Saturday, I wanted to blip a billboard on a disused building which was completely blank apart from a strip that had been ripped out across the middle.  It reminded me of the New York skyline but when I got there, it had been replaced!  

This is the exact reason why I turned up at the railway arches early this morning to blip a tree I had seen last night.  I noticed it because I was sat in traffic just in front of it and it looked like someone had made a huge face in the bark by nailing on loads of junk.  Knowing how quickly things can change, I went this morning and it literally did just look like a load of junk (bolts, a shuttlecock, part of a brake chain ...) nailed into a tree.  Did I see something that wasn't actually there or was I in that one perfect position, at exactly the right moment, when everything becomes clear?

Quote for today:
"Just living is not enough" said the butterfly, "one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower".
- Hans Christian Anderson

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