The Delightful Sausage

I love live music but, for some reason, I don't really enjoy any other type of live performance. I infinitely prefer cinema over theatre, for example, and when I go to see comedy performance, sometimes I feel like I'm dying inside. 

Yet the first time I saw Amy Gledhill perform I felt from the outset that I was in safe hands. This was at the Fringe about six years ago when she and David Callaghan (whom we're seeing tomorrow) were sharing a half hour slot. From the moment she came out she was funny, engaging, and charming: I felt totally relaxed. (I think the show was maybe to do with Adam and Eve and I took part as a tree or something.)

For the last few years she has been working with a chap called Chris Cantrill as 'The Delightful Sausage'. We've seen them in a few places, including BlueDot, last year (our maybe the year before), and this afternoon we saw them at The Monkey Barrel, performing their show 'Ginster's Paradise'. It was EXCELLENT and if you're in Edinburgh for the Fringe, don't miss it. (Unless you are under 18, in which case do. We packed the girls off to see 'Friendsical', which was the right decision!)

And in the evening we went out with our friends Shelagh and Andrea, which was joyful: food and drinks at The Little White Pig (would recommend), followed by more drinks, laughter, and dancing back at Andrea's.

No scales
Reading: 'The Gallows Pole' by Benjamin Myers

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