Two Days...Two Collages

YESTERDAY, I had a rough time picking my favorite animal, and tonight...I had a rough time picking my favorite car. Could you say it was A HARD DAY'S NIGHT to pick a blip?

It was our small city's annual tune-up party for the BIG car show that takes place next Saturday. In addition the Beatles (a tribute band) were playing in the gazebo, which made for a busy downtown area.

THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD was full of cars and trucks, but they all did COME TOGETHER for a glorious night. 

Now, at 10 p.m., the road will GET BACK to being our main street, and...DO YOU WANT TO KNOW A SECRET? I think everybody is GLAD ALL OVER that they came down for the shows.

Looking back, it seems like WHEN I'M 64...the blip decisions were easier.

P.S. I made two circuits at the show. The first was checking out the cars, and the second was reading the license plates.

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