A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Lunch break

Today was flagged as the dullest day of the holidays.....operation clean-up has meant little other than shopping, cleaning, laundry, tidying and sorting. Thought the kids would be bored but they seem to have enjoyed pottering around at home and were positively helpful in the supermarket. An added advantage of mainly doing online food shopping seems to be that it turns visiting a physical shop into a novelty.

Anna was bought a sushi book for Christmas which she has been patiently waiting to try out. Apart from the prolonged process of waiting between various stages it was relatively straightforward which is a relief as I think it will be become a regular event. I just about caught the result before she swooped in a scoffed the lot. Well minus one which she has saved for Carl who has rejoined the commuting masses today.

Tonight will be a relaxing one with a well earned steak dinner and the first episode of Breaking Bad.

Lesley x

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