
There was still a small cloud of Painted Ladies flittering around Stef's blooming privet, but still couldn't persuade one to sit on a Painted Lady runner bean. Managed to open the shed door using Jim's temporary twig arrangement on the top latch. Did more of the usual - excepting strimming, since the strimmer wouldn't work. I suspect a dodgy connection from the battery. Life, eh? Just one damned scunner after another.

Came back via East Coast Cured for a nice loaf and a delicious little salami - Crespone this week. Managed to offload a couple of surplus courgettes and a lettuce on to Sorina. Then when I got home had a rush of blood to the head and not only cleaned the living room window but painted its soffit, involving a certain amount of windowsill yoga. There's only the kitchen one left to do now, which will of course be the most difficult......

PS Almost forgot to point out - the pods in the blip are chick peas!! Can scarcely believe it.

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